First fully circular sanitation solution

Together with our local partner Mobile Alert Toilets, T4A implemented its first fully circular sanitation solution at the Ikinu Primary School in Githunguri State, Kenya with 1,400 studens. The project encompassed the construction of 10 new latrines, renovation of 28 existing latrines (12 for boys and 16 for girls), installation of a biogas system by, and construction of an incinerator for menstrual hygiene management. Additionally, Urimat donated 10 waterless urinal pots utilized in the boys’ urinal facilities.

The Biodigesters now provide biogas to the school kitchen to provide warm meals to the students. This replaces firewood which was used up to know to cook meals.

You can find more pictures about the project here.


4 schools in Colombia finished


Boys urinal finished in Malawi