Frequently asked questions:



How can you find out more about the global sanitation crisis?

Here you can find background information about the huge problems of missing dignified sanitation solutions across the globe. Furthermore we are regularly sharing our latest know-how and insights in our blog ‚toilet topics’.

Which other organisations are active to contribute towards the goal of Toilets for all?

Our section ‘organizations and enterprises’ shows most important entities active in the sanitation space working hard to achieve this ambitious goal.

How is Toilets for All using my personal data?

We are using your personal data only within our mission to reach the social goal of the foundation. We are strictly following all rules and regulations around the use of personal data.

What are the SDG Sustainable Development Goals?

On January 1, 2016 the strategic mission of the Sustainable Development Goals ‚SDG’ by the United Nations became into force which should be reach by 2030 by all countries around the world. There are 17 major goals which are expanded and made more concrete through 169 subgoals. The target SDG 6 focuses specifically on the WASH-sector (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene).

Where can I find interesting studies on the topic?

We have created a dedicated webpage ‘studies’ where you will find the latest research and article about the different aspects of the sanitation ecosystem.

What kind of projects does Toilets for All support?

Toilets for All focuses on entrepreneurial approaches and solution by the private sector. You can find details to the supported projects here. If you have interesting activities and ideas, please contact us.

How can I best stay informed about Toilets for All?

Visit our website on a regular basis we constantly update. Or you can sign up here for our newsletter.

What is the legal form of Toilets for All?

Toilets for All is a social purpose foundation located in Geneva, Switzerland.


Can I deduct my donation to Toilets for All from my taxes?

If you pay your taxes in Switzerland, you can deduct your donation to Toilets for All from your taxable income. The minimum amount per year as well as the maximum amount possible are different from canton to canton.

For residents in the United States of America, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, you are also able to make a tax-deductible donation in your country. More info here.

Are online-donations safe?

Yes. Your payments are handled through the payment system of our partner ‘RaiseNow’ which fulfills the highest security requirements.

Will I receive a confirmation of my donation for the tax authorities?

Yes, you will automatically receive a confirmation about your donation per email which you can submit to the tax authorities.

Can I also setup a repeating donation?

Yes. With a repeating donation, you support the work of Toilets for All on a long-term basis which is crucial to achieve the amibitious goals. It’s very easy for you: you can chose from the following options: weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual.

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