A new innovation to complement the Mosan Solution: POVU POA handwashing stations

Toilets for All together with MRS Global Health provided two POVU POA handwashing stations to Mosan, an international social enterprise offering circular off-grid dry sanitation services for densely populated settlements. POVU POA has been developed over the last few years to make the most efficient use of scarce water and soap. One filling of water of the 20 liters bucket last for more than 100 handwashes. MSR Global Health, the producer of the handwashing stations, is an innovator and manufacturer of low-cost products that improve access to basic human needs in low-resource communities of low-income countries. It is not the first time that Toilets for All and MSR Global health work as partners, you can read about another project in Kenya here.

Mosan is currently testing the water-saving POVU POA handwashing stations. Mosan´s collaboration with MSR Global health and the Toilets for All will enable handwashing, even when water is scarce. Handwashing is a concerning issue for vulnerable communities in Guatemala. Water in the communities around Lake Atitlán is scarce. People rely on stored water in buckets and open containers, where handwashing practices can lead to contamination. Handwashing with soap is the most effective measure to reduce disease spreading and is always a priority for the Mosan Solution. 

Toilets for All believes that safe sanitation improves people’s quality of life and health. Vulnerable communities such as the Mayan communities in Guatemala, where water is scarce, face difficulties when it comes to maintaining hygiene practices like handwashing. In preparation for Global Handwashing Day on October 15th, Mosan will organize a series of events with the community to raise awareness of hand hygiene. If you want to know more about Global Handwashing Day, you can find all you need to know here.

Text written by: María Bravo Elvira.


Global Handwashing Day: Events around the world supported by Toilets For All


WASH vs. COVID-19 Innovator Fund: a new partnership between Cewas, Toilets for All and Aqua for All